WVC 2024
XIX Workshop de Visão Computacional

06, 07 and 08 November, 2024
UFV Campus Rio Paranaíba (UFV-CRP)
Rio Paranaíba-MG-Brazil

Discover the city of Rio Paranaíba-MG


The rapid technological development of hardware, especially professional cameras and smartphones has driven the demand for solutions to our day-to-day entertainment, security, industrial production and medicine. Consequently, the area of Computer Vision has grown, becoming a strategic demand in any country.

Under this context the WVC’2024 - XIX Workshop on Computer Vision - brings to the discussion works developed in Universities and Centers of Research worldwide, aiming to boost research groups in this area in the generation of ideas and in the divulgation of work done or in progress. We hope, therefore, that the effort of each one of us in the organization of this event, is a demonstration that science and technology have a promising future in our country. The WVC'2024 will host several activities aimed primarily at disseminating and analyzing the growth of the area of computer vision worldwide.


Organizing Committee

Maurício Escarpinati

General Chair UFU

João Fernando Mari

General Chair UFV

Leandro H. Furtado P. Silva

General Chair UFV

Larissa F. Rodrigues Moreira

General Chair UFV

Rodrigo Moreira

Program Chair UFV

Pedro Moises de Sousa


André Backes


Tácito Neves


Rodrigo Smarzaro


Steering Committee

Paulo Sérgio Rodrigues

Centro Universitário FEI

Anderson Adaime de Borba

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Paulo Eduardo Ambrósio

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC)

Hemerson Pistori

Universidade Católica Don Bosco (UCDB)

Event Schedule

Here is our event schedule


Dr. Tácito Neves

Tutorial 1 - Dr. Tácito Neves

Introduction to Information Visualization in Computer Vision


Opening Technical Session

Technical Session

Coffee Break

Technical Session CTDVC

Opening Session

Dr. Moacir Ponti

Keynote: Dr. Moacir Ponti

Data Science Expert Mercado Livre | Professor USP

Coffee Break

Dr. Luiz Marcos Garcia Gonçalves

Keynote: Dr. Luiz Marcos Garcia Gonçalves

Professor UFRN


Dr. André Backes

Tutorial 2 - Dr. André Backes

AI & Computer Vision: Learning Concepts and Developing a Project

Technical Session


Technical Session

Coffee Break

Dr. Roger Chen

Keynote: Dr. Roger Chen

Professor at University of Hawaii (USA)


Green Computing exhibition

Dr. Marcelo Sekita and Dra. Mariana Melo


Keynote: Dr. Marcelo Sekita and Dra. Mariana Melo

DroneScan Agricultural Technology

Coffee Break

Panel "Computer Vision: Challenges and Opportunities"


Technical Session


Dr. André Backes

Keynote: Dr. André Backes

Professor UFSCar

Coffee Break

Poster Session

Workshop Meninas++

Closing Session WVC

Technical Session - WSIS


Roger Chen

Dr. Roger Chen

Professor at University of Hawaii (USA)

Moacir Ponti

Dr. Moacir Ponti

Data Science Expert Mercado Livre | Professor USP

André Backes

Dr. André Backes

Professor UFSCar

Marcelo Sekita

Dr. Marcelo Sekita and
Dra. Mariana Melo

DroneScan - Agricultural Technology


Authors can register to the event following the instruction on the Registration Website.
Information about payments via "Bank payment slip (Boleto bancário)" is available at the bottom of the Registration Website.

Categories Fee
Undergraduate Student R$ 50
SBC Undergraduate Student Member R$ 40
Graduate Student R$ 100
SBC Graduate Student Member R$ 80
Professional R$ 180
SBC Professional Member R$ 130

Event Venue

Event venue location info and gallery

UFV Campus Rio Paranaíba

WVC 2024 will be held in the beautiful city of Rio Paranaíba - MG, Brazil, at the Federal University of Viçosa Campus Rio Paranaíba (UFV-CRP).



Airport of Patos de Minas

Airport of Patos de Minas (POJ)

Distance to UFV-CRP: 89 km

Airport of Araxá

Airport of Araxá (AAX)

Distance to UFV-CRP: 140 km

Airport of Uberlândia

Airport of Uberlândia (UDI)

Distance to UFV-CRP: 257 km

Hotel Acommodations

Dallas Palace Hotel

Dallas Palace Hotel

Distance to UFV-CRP: 2.9 km

Hotel Lourenço

Hotel Lourenço

Distance to UFV-CRP: 2.5 km

San Diego Suites - São Gotardo/MG

San Diego Suites - São Gotardo/MG

Distance to UFV-CRP: 30 km
